Holy Communion led by Rev’d Jenna Dearden (2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 9.30am)
At our regular Holy Communion services we use the liturgy of the Church of England’s Common Worship Service book. A mixture of traditional hymns and familiar words in the service makes this a service that welcomes both the regular worshipper and the enquirer.
You will receive a warm welcome as you enter the church and there will always be someone willing to assist you through the service. Anyone who has received Holy Communion within their own church is welcome to come to the altar rail and receive alongside our regular church family. If you do not receive communion then you are welcome to come up for a blessing. At the end of the service we encourage you to stay for tea or coffee and a chat.
Sung Evensong led by Rev’d Jenna Dearden (Held every 1st Sunday at 6.00pm)
The church has a Book of Common Prayer Sung Evensong every 1st Sunday at 6pm. This service will be familiar to many regular worshippers. This service is a wonderful end to the day and a great way to appreciate our talented choir as they lead us through the psalms, canticles as well as offering an anthem at every service.
5th Sunday Services
All the churches in our benefice are blessed by having a good working relationship and sharing fellowship with the other Christian churches in the area.
At Shillington we share our 5th Sunday services with the Congregational Church. The venue for 5th Sunday services alternates between the church buildings. If you wish to join us on a 5th Sunday it is best to contact the Church Wardens for the time and venue.
Click here to see special services which are held in celebration of Festivals within the church year.