The Friendly Place
In collaboration with Reverend Angus from the Congregational Church, a ‘warm hub’ was set up for for Shillington for the winter of 2022.
This has now become The Friendly Place – an opportunity to meet up for a cuppa, cake and a friendly chat on Mondays at the Congregational Church Shillington from 10:00am to12:00pm.
We welcome anyone who would like some friendly company for a few hours. You can bring a book, knitting, games, puzzles or nothing at all.
There is no charge but donations are welcome.
Hosted by Linda Butler & Trish Humphreys; we are looking forward to seeing you!
World Vision Sponsored Child
For several years the church family has sponsored children via World Vision. The sponsorship helps not only our named child but also their family and community.
Our current child is Antonio, who lives in Albania.
Food Bank
As a church family we are committed to supporting those in need. One of the ways we do this is via our support of the Hitchin and Letchworth Food Bank.
Offerings of food and other essentials can be brought to our 9:30 service on Sundays where they are given as an offering before going to support those who use the Food Bank.
Santa’s Float
Each Christmas we take Santa’s float around the villages of Shillington, Gravenhurst and Pegsdon bring some festive fun to young and old and collecting funds for Keech Hospice and the Church. Dates and times are published in the village magazine and on Facebook

Bible Study
The Bible Study group meets every Tuesday evening to read and discuss passages from the bible in a relaxed setting in one of the members’ homes. All are welcome. Please contact the wardens for more information.
For more information or to get involved in our outreach activities please contact the Church Wardens via the Contact page.